Praise be to the Lord.
Brothers and Sisters, as I speak it is 10th March 2007 and we are going to Bishop Cipriano Kihangire SSS to minister good manners and ultimately the word of God!
I wanted to talk about the Holy Spirit.
It was disappointing for me when on Tuesday after supposedly sharing about the Holy Spirit, we acted as though we were not filled with Him and paid more attention to the flesh. This is my concern, when we are sharing, do we wait for the one sharing to end or do we listen with the intention of putting these things in application?
Brothers and Sisters, we are Christian, we are led by the Holy Ghost. The Word of God says in
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Righteousness, peace and joy. So why were we acting like we have none of those?
We are going to BCK, not because we must but because we would love to go abd share the love of God with these kids! Banange, it is my earnest request that whatever we do, we do with sincere desire not just being forced.
And may I remind you again, there are three things that endure, Faith, Hope and Love but the greatest of these is Love!
Love one another because love bears all things, endures all things... I love you, love one another.
God bless.