Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Happy Reminder

Recall the man who loved the grits? I mean the food not the musical duo. Anyway as I was reading it came to my attention that kings of old had a notorious habit of saying things only God should have been saying. For instance King Nebby; “Is this not this Great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power and for the honour of my majesty?” Daniel 4:30.

I would like to think that before God made His judgement upon this man, He first laughed. I mean imagining a poem telling itself “Look what great rhyme and rhythm I have made for myself?” Wouldn’t I laugh!

My, My! Why this obsession we have with Me, myself and I? Kings are singing happy songs of I have built myself a kingdom for my honour and my majesty. Everyday we give off Nebby-like tendencies thinking that we have done it on our own, by our selves and go boasting while God judges us amidst laughter!

So how come we actually forget that God is there, watching each move, anticipating every thought? We do things in the darkness of our pride, our greed even our rooms forgetting that darkness to God is like light! This one cracked me up- I mean while we are busy imagining it is dark, God is there staring. I think He would love to close His eyes to all the silly things we do but He can’t- He sees all.

Well, this one is to remind us of two things. One; God wants you laughing. Two; God wants you thankful. He wants you to happily give praise and adoration for the things He has done ( yes, I said He, not you-hahahaha). And so after the accomplishments He has seen us through as a family, I think a big thank you is in order to the Most High King of Kings ( the one who made Nebby walk around like a he-goat after he claimed it was him who had built the kingdom-hahahaha; ‘he- got what was coming to him-please, more laughter)!!!

Ah. God is amazing. He just plants it there; from nowhere! You ask what? I mean his joy!

Love you.
